Thursday, March 6, 2008

mirrors and windshields

I was listening to bits and pieces of Brett Favre's retirement speech today in between working in Atlanta and he said something that sparked a fire. He said as he was driving to the press conference at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconson his wife said something that he had never heard. She said life is like riding in a car. You can either look in the rear view mirror and see what you have passed or you can look through the front windshield and see whats coming.

Its interesting, you always need to take a look back and see what you have done. Mistakes you have made. Mountains you have climbed. Learning a better way to do things. But the majority of your time better be spent planning and seeing whats next. I think he and I both relesh victories and store them in a special place. But yesterday is over and done with. I liked the fact that Favre said he would always miss parts of playing football but that he looked forward to tomorrow and riding into the sunset a little bit. Taking a breath and enjoying whatever comes his way. There is a lot to be said for his attitude on his next phase of life. Personally, I think he's got it right.

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